Blue Meanie

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Blue Meanie Mushroom Spores - 10ml spore syringe

Variety Origin: The original blue meanie mushroom is actually a Panaeolus Cyanescens genetic and not this "cubensis" version. There is much rumor and confusion surrounding this particular species of mushroom so please be aware this spore syringe available is the psilocybe cubensis version and not the cyanescens strain. This genetic is the golden top strain and is named due to the extra deep blue bruising the fruits display when touched. This strain of cubensis is also known to have significantly higher psilocybin content then other common cubensis versions.

Habitat: Bovine, Equine Dung and Enriched Soils

Climate: Subtropical

Cap: 50+ mm in diameter, convex to broadly convex to plane at maturity. Reddish cinnamon brown maturing to golden brown to light yellow. Surface dry with pronounced and persistent remnants of universal veil on cap (spots). Flesh white soon bruises bluish green.

Stem: 125+ mm in length, yellowish. Flesh bruising bluish green where injured. Persistent membranous annulus (ring) from partial veil that becomes dusted with purple brown spores at maturity.

Gills: Attachment adnate to adnexed. Grayish coloration in young fruit bodies becoming nearly black in maturity.

Spores: Dark purple

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