Penis Envy #6

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Penis Envy Spore #6 - 10ml spore syringe

Variety Origin: Shroomery veteran RogerRabbit, "Crossed a standard PE with the Tex strain." The result was PE6.

RogerRabbit's efforts were an attempt to create a modified PE which produced more spores... but the spores were accidentally released too early... when a few prints were unintentionally mailed out, in a stack of other prints. The infamous print which lead to the public outing of this particular cube was labelled PE #6.

Here's how RogerRabbit says Penis Envy Spores #6 came to be:

"A single sector fruiting isolate of PE, and another of TEX were placed on a petri dish with rattlesnake venom added to the agar. The snake venom helped the two dikaryotic strains share genetic information to form a third sector, which was labelled PE6. Other Isolates of the PE were labelled PE 1-7, and apparently, some of the 6, which was the cross, were in the same batch of prints. The idea was to get a good spore producing PE, but I never had time to stabilize the strain due to accidentally releasing it early. That's why sometimes they look like texans and sometimes very much like PE."

"PE 6 looks like a cross between Penis Envy and Texan"

Habitat: Bovine, Equine Dung and Enriched Soils

Climate: Subtropical

Cap: 25-100 mm in diameter, convex to broadly convex to plane at maturity. Orange/burnt orange maturing to golden brown to light yellow with nearly white edges. Surface dry lacking remnants of universal veil on cap (spots). Flesh white soon bruising bluish green.

Stem: 120-200+ mm in length. Flesh bruising bluish green where injured. Persistent membranous annulus (ring) from partial veil that becomes dusted with purple brown spores at maturity.

Gills: Attachment adnate to adnexed. Grayish coloration in young fruit bodies becoming nearly black in maturity.

Spores: Dark purplish brown, subellipsoid on 4-spored basidia

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Penis Envy #6
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